Sunday, May 24, 2020

Analysis of Sirianni´s Investing in Democracy - 891 Words

Sirianni in his book â€Å"Investing in Democracy† has examined how government can serve as a civic enabler of productive engagement and collaborative problem solving among civic associations, ordinary citizens, and stakeholder groups. He also tried to find out how the public policy and administration can be designed to help the involvement of the government. Siriannni has argued on the view that in recent era the government’s role is becoming more important due to the increasing complexity of public problems, diversity among the stakeholders, and continued erosion of civic life by the deep cultural and institutional trends. Sirianni tried to reflect the image of the government, local, state, and federal as civic enabler whose work should be to†¦show more content†¦However, it is found that the groups like civic associations and nonprofit funders make most investments in promoting innovations and building civic capacity. They should be inspired to do so continu ously more ambitiously and effectively but still such contributions are not enough to match with the rising cost of civic democracy. So, the government can and should rise to the occasion. More government’s involvement as civic enabler will help the country to cope with this problem. Collaborative governance will redesign the policies which will aim to empower, enlighten, and engage the citizens in the process of self-government. Sirianni has done some case studies and empirical analyses of civic engagement and collaborative governance. From the case studies he has extracted eight core principles of collaborative governance. These eight core principles of collaborative governance and policy design are as pointed below: (1) Coproduce public goods: The first principle of design should be such that it will encourage and recognize roles for ordinary citizens in coproducing public goods. Public goods are much complicated and there is no such direct tool of government which can produce this public goods. So the policy should be designed in such a way that it will help the ordinaryShow MoreRelatedCollaboration For Deter Youth Gang Violence2203 Words   |  9 Pagesbe able to bring about significant social change in their community and beyond. Process of Participation In order to combat gang participation and violence, The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) established 1980’s, has developed, financed, and assessed community-based anti-gang programs which directly aims at prevention, intervention, enforcement, and re-entry approaches. In 2009, the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) combined its existing resources to generate

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Antigone vs. Creon Free Essays

In the tragedy of Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone, the main protagonist, is conflicted whether or not to bury her dead brother and go against Creon’s law or follow Creon’s law. Creon is the main antagonist in this story and punishes Antigone for breaking his law and burying Polynieces. Though they are two different characters, Creon and Antigone could both qualify as the tragic hero because they are both responsible for their own fate, endowed with a tragic flaw and falls from high esteem. We will write a custom essay sample on Antigone vs. Creon or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the story, Antigone and Creon are responsible for their own fate, seeing as it’s their actions that cause them to be a tragic hero. Antigone knows about Creon’s law not bury Polynieces, yet she’d rather go against Creon than the Gods. She did what she thinks is correct but Creon is furious and sends her to a stone grave. Antigone knows what the consequences would be, â€Å"[her] death is the doing of [her] own conscious hand† (‘v. 46). She wouldn’t be dead if she didn’t bury Polynieces and follow Creon’s law. She chooses to go against him and that seals her fate. Creon, on the other hand, hooses to be stubborn and punish Antigone for breaking his crime. He couldn’t bear to seem weak to the citizens of Thebes. It was Antigone’s punishment, â€Å"if she lives or dies/That’s her affair† (‘v. 55-56). Even if it means sending his own, soon to be daughter in law, to her death. Creon let his pride control his actions and that causes him to lose his wife and his last son. Both, Antigone and Creon could avoid their tragic endings but their flaws cause their ultimate downfall. The tragic flaw endowed in both these characters is pride, one refusing to admit what she did was wrong and another refusing to listen to others. Antigone not only goes against Creon’s law but she boasts about it. She refuses to admit she is wrong, saying that Creon’s law â€Å"[is] not God’s proclamation. That final Justice/ That rules the world below makes no such laws† 57-58). She stands for what she believes in and that makes Creon angry. Though Antigone did follow the law of the Gods, it did not stop Creon from punishing her for breaking his laws. Similarly, Creon’s hubris causes him to lose everything too. Haemon had come to him saying that a good king listens to other people’s opinions and â€Å"[Doesn’t] believe that [he] alone can be right† (iii. 74) ut he doesn’t listen. Then Teiresias comes and tries to convince Creon to fix everything, for the Gods are angry and it’s his fault. He finally comes to his senses and tries to right his wrongs by mimicking a proper burial for Polynieces and freeing Antigone from her grave, but he is too late. Creon loses his entire family for Haemon kills himself in grief for Antigone and Eurydice takes her life in grief for the loss of both her sons. Everything was going well in their lives until pride gets in the way and ruins the life they once had. Antigone and Creon had a pretty good life in the beginning, seeing as Antigone is etting married and Creon is ruling as king of Thebes, but all that deteriorates once they are forced to face the consequences of their actions. Antigone is already that Polynieces isn’t going to be buried and Eteocles is, makes it worse. She chooses to get involved and ends up with her â€Å"[making] a noose of her fine linen veil/And [hanging] herself† because she’d rather die for what she believes in than what someone tells her to believe in (Exo. 59-60). She couldVe left it alone and let Polynieces rot in the field and go about her life to marry Haemon, yet she chooses to risk her life and when the time comes, accepts her death with honor. At the same time, Creon has also let his life go to waste because he already lost one son in the war, he saw another take his life in front of him and comes back home to find his wife had taken her life as well. All Creon wants to do is to die because â€Å"[his] comfort lies here dead. mhatever [his] hands have touched has come to nothing† (Exo. 136-137). Creon went from being King of Thebes, with a family at home, to Just Creon, who became a victim of the Gods and fate. Although he didn’t die, he accepts the fact that he was too late to fix everything and asks to be led away, for his entire family is dead because of him. Most readers would immediately argue that Sophocles chose Antigone as the tragic hero since the story is called Tragedy of Antigone. Although this is true, according to Greek terms of a tragic hero, Creon, to an extent, could also qualify as the tragic hero. Antigone and Creon had two different roles in this story, but in the end they are both the tragic hero because theyre responsible for their own fate, possess a tragic flaw and they fall from high esteem. How to cite Antigone vs. Creon, Papers

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Private Boundaries in Employment Relations †

Question: Discuss about the Private Boundaries in Employment Relations. Answer: Introduction The assignment helps in understanding the role along with assessing the effectiveness of the Fair Work Ombudsman in the Australian system of the employment relations. The different kind of theories of the employment relations will be discussed with assessment of the role of the unions, government and employers in the employment relation system in Australia. Proper impact of the legislation on the employment relation practices has to be analysed effectively as this will help in evaluating issues on practice of the employment relations in Australia. The main aim and purpose of the essay is to identify the issues along with the analysing the effectiveness of the Fair Work Ombudsman in the Australian system of the entire employment relations. The identification of the different changes in the labour market of Australia has to be analysed effectively as this will help in understanding the different issues effectively. The structure of the essay will include the different kind of guidelines and other measures for analysing the effectiveness of the Fair Work Ombudsman in the entire Australian society to the entire workforce. Overview of Fair Work Ombudsman Fair Work Ombudsman is defined as independent statutory agency that is created by Fair Work Act 2009. The FWO has different kind of offices through entire Australia that are located in different regional areas and capital cities of the different territories. The role of the FWO is to promote productive, cooperative and harmonious workplace relations. The entire FWO helps in monitoring and inquire different kind of enforcement of the compliances on the workplace laws (Berg et al. 2017). In order to create single point of contact that helps in providing reliable and timely information about the workplace relations system and build effective and strong relationships within industry, unions and other kind of stakeholders as well. Proper education is required to be provided to the individuals about the different fair work practices along with rights and obligations. Proper assessment of the different complaints or the breaches in the workplace laws along with different kind of registered kind of agreements as well (, 2018). The Fair Work Ombudsman helps in managing and providing different kind of information along with advice about the different workplace rights and duties of the individuals who are working in different segments in Australia. The Fair Work Ombudsman helps in offering the different individuals a single point of contact for the individuals in order to get accurate and timely kind of information about the Australian Employment Relation system (, 2018). It can be seen that Fair Work Ombudsman office provides the employees along with employers with free information along with analysis of the workplace rights and duties. The FWO helps in conducting targeted audits and campaigns that will help in informing the different employees regarding the different kind of obligations and it has to be analysed whether they comply to the rules and regulations effectively or not. Fair Work Ombudsman helps in including the different kind of leaves, payments along with wages and salaries that is required to be paid to the employees effectively. The main role of the FWO is to promote the productive, harmonious along with cooperative workplace relations with the individuals in an effectual manner. It is required to ensure that all the employees in the organization compliance with the workplace laws of the Australia. Proper monitoring of the certain 457 subclass has to be created with the help of visa agreements (Wilkinson et al. 2014). There are different kind of policies that are followed by Fair Work Ombudsman wherein it includes the different kind of key performance indicators along with legislative instruments along with regulations as well (Kim and Bae 2017). Theories of employment relations Unitarist perspective is defined as the perspective wherein the organization is defined as the harmonious group of individuals with the culture that is loyal in nature. In these kinds of organization there is huge coordination among the employees and the payments and the leave policies are followed as per Fair Work Ombudsman (Brown and Lawrence 2017). However, it can be seen that there are different kind of issues or friction in the communication as well as agitators (Chappell and Campbell 2018). Pluralist perspective is the kind of theory wherein the different organizations are made up with different sectional groups. In these groups, there are different kind of sectional goals and leaders in a particular manner. However, there are different issues in the between the different trade unions that are solved with the help of fair work ombudsman. Marxist perspective is the radical kind of perspective wherein it helps in analysing the capitalist society. It helps in recognising the different inequalities in the power of the employment effectively. However, the fair work ombudsman helps in solving the different issues and this helps in creating proper and inevitable results (Townsend, Wilkinson and Burgess 2014). The unions, government and employees play a significant role in the employment relations in Australia wherein there are fair hearings and impartiality in the laws of the employment relations in Australia. It can be seen that there are alternative dispute resolutions as well. There are different facts wherein this will help in determining the dismissal of applications as well. The Fair Work Ombudsman helps in offering the employers and employees with the free kind of information (Conway et al. 2016). It can be seen that the FWO helps in providing safety net of the minimum kind of conditions including the minimum wages in form of rewards as well. the different kind of functions that are undertaken by Commission of Fair Work starts when the individual wants to initiate the entire matter and they lodge application with the commission as well. The commission deals with these kinds of applications by undertaking the range of actions in response to the applications that includes the following: McBride, Hebson and Holgate, (2015) commented that there has to be proper referring to the application to the conciliator of staffs as this will help in resolving the dispute in an informal manner. It helps in issuing different kind of directions as this will help in dealing with the application effectively and conduct conferences as well. Proper invitation of the of the different submissions is essential in nature that will help in making decisions and orders as well. It is required by the FWO to provide proper and effective relationships with unions, government and employees along with major kind of stakeholders. McDonald and Thompson (2016) commented that there is high level of jurisdiction required that has been extended in most parts of laws and regulations that helps in regulating the different kind of independent contractors. Furthermore, it has been seen that the different kind of employees working in overseas or in Australia are treated equally as this will help the employees in performing effectively as well. Lindsay (2015) stated that Fair Work Ombudsman has taken different kind of pro-activities that is related to the areas of information, education and compliances that includes both audits and target campaigns as well. According to Sheldon et al. (2016), it can be seen that Fair Work Ombudsman helps in receiving several kinds of complaints from the general public that is regarding the target audits in an effectual manner. Furthermore, the FWO helps in receiving different kind of complaints that is related to the different issues in the workplace that includes the different kind of workplace and employment relations rights. Furthermore, Farbenblum and Berg (2017) stated that the different kind of employees of Fair Work Ombudsman has to showcase different kind of integrity and honesty along with determination as this will help in performing such actions to solve the issues in an effectual manner. As per James and Ombudsman (2015), the work of the FWO is not related to the workplace rights or the underpayment to the employees, however it is related to the different kind of issues that is faced by the employees in the workplace. The main motive of the FWO is to provide adequate kind of information to the employees wherein this will help the employees in monitoring the terms and conditions effectually. With the help of the implementation of the National Employment Standards, it can be seen that the FWO helps in providing the different employees and employers with different information and advices for initiating the different kind of pay and conditions for the employees as well. It is the duty of the Fair Work Ombudsman to treat the employees with respect and courtesy as the entire society expects high kind of legislations that are fair in nature. With the different kind of works performed by FWO, it will help in contribution towards the achievement of the different kind of positive kind of contributions. The different kind of fair work inspectors helps in facilitating the individual obligations and entitlements. The FWO helps in understanding and providing opportunity to the different kind of feedbacks to the parties as this will help in handling the different grievance matters. The different reports of the Fair Work Ombudsman as helped in understanding the different kind of best practices as this will help in solving the high responsibility in analysing the different kind of analysis of the workplace rights and obligations that has to be provided to the employees effectively. This included the different and proper publication along with preparation of the statements of the Fair Work Information wherein the different employees will provide to the new employees in an effectual manner. The FWO helps in implementing the two states campaigns every year that is based on the budget statement of the portfolio. These are the different kind of campaigns that will focus mainly on particular part of the entire state or state wise as well. It has been seen that Fair Work Ombudsman helps in contributing towards the significance of the Fair and positive workplace environment that will help in determining the different kind of issues and solve such issues in an efficient manner. The respective organization also helps in providing the opportunity to the different parties as this will help in maintaining smooth communication in an effectual manner. Furthermore, from (), it has been analysed that there are inclusion of different kind of employee entitlements and awards that has to be included in an effectual manner. The payments and the awards along with agreements wherein this will help in including the leave along with different kind of privacy information as well. As per the Fair Work Ombudsman, it can be seen that the employees of the commission need to expect the high quality and this will help in prompting the services from APS. The FWO inspectors will help in facilitating the particular and proper assistance to the different integrating parties effectively. These kinds of practices will help in litigating some circumstances in such a manner that will help in building strong and effective kind of relationships effectively. Conclusion Therefore, it can be concluded that Fair Work Ombudsman helps in contributing towards creating fair and proper Australian workplace. The natural justice is the broader concept that helps in extending to such kind of decisions in a unique manner wherein the power of the public is exercised in an effectual manner. Therefore, it can be inferred that the core and main function of the FWO is to determine the different actions of the inspectors as this will make the different actions in an efficient manner. These are the different kind of approaches that will help Fair Work Ombudsman in handling the different kind of issues that is faced by the employees in the organization in an effectual manner. The Fair Work Ombudsman will help in creating effective and consistent system as this will help in handling the different kind of issues and maintain proper legislations as this will help in solving the different kind of feedbacks to the employees as well. The FWO helps in providing a proper mechanism for resolving the different kind of grievances along with obtaining the feedback of the clients in an effectual manner. References (2018).Fair Work Ombudsman | Retrieved 22 March 2018, from Berg, L.A., Reilly, A., Howe, J., Farbenblum, B. and Tan, G., 2017. International Students and the Fair Work Ombudsman. Brown, A.J. and Lawrence, S.A., 2017. STRENGTH OF ORGANISATIONAL WHISTLEBLOWING PROCESSESANALYSIS FROM AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND. Chappell, J. and Campbell, N., 2018. 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